World Leaders in undercover Operations
_your trusted partner in major COMMERCIAL undercover Operations.
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Undercover operations are the number one investigative tool
Often covert operations are the only way to reveal and resolve systemic misconduct.
Warden consulting undercover Operations
Employee fraud and theft, drug offending, corruption and misconduct are serious threats to any organization. Undercover agents provide real-time, unfiltered information that would otherwise be unobtainable.
Warden Consulting is one of the companies in the world operating a successful undercover programme for over 20 years.
We have conducted over 100 operations around the world, resulting in 300 arrests and the recovery of millions of dollars of assets. Our clients estimate the value to their businesses to be nine times the cost.
These undercover operations also provide vital business intelligence about employee performance, culture, health and safety, regulatory breaches, organizational issues and security vulnerabilities — directly from the source.
All assignments are completed smoothly and without a whisper of suspicion.
Over 40 years Experience
100+ Operations
Over $7 million recovered
Deployments in 10 Countries
types of Undercover Operations
Observational Level: Agents discreetly observe and gather preliminary intelligence without direct engagement, this is low-risk and achieves quick results.
Intelligence-Gathering Level: These form the majority of our cases. Agents often use their real identity and are employed by the business. They strategically cultivate relationships and gain trust to penetrate deeper. In these intelligence roles agents may uncover theft, fraud, drug offending or misconduct. The cases never go to the court, the agent is never revealed.
Legal Action Level: The highest level involves agents gathering evidence for legal proceedings. The case below refers to one such operation which resulted in 20 arrests and the recovery of $1.5m in stolen assets.
Operation Hunter
Warden Consulting was involved in the deployment of multiple undercover agents on behalf of NZ Post in an operation coded Operation Hunter. Between September 2001 and April 2003, Warden conducted an undercover operation on behalf of NZ Post regarding systemic theft.
The operation involved the deployment of multiple agents and resulted in the recovery of property and evidence of theft amounting to approximately $1.5 million. Property stolen included passports, credit cards, mobile phones, computers, clothing, jewellery and electronic goods. Offenders included owner drivers, couriers and parcel sorters as well as former NZ Post employees. Receiving and supplying methamphetamine was also uncovered.
The termination was carried out in conjunction with approximately 80 police officers from the Auckland Police with a number of search warrants executed and in excess of 20 persons arrested and charged with a variety of offences.
Beware of the Enemy Within — New Zealand Herald
Post Theft Raids Leads To Arrests — New Zealand Herald
Couriers Caught in Sting Operation — Ashburton Guardian
Additional Cases:
Multiple undercover agents deployed in Australia under government instructions on a significant statewide theft issue.
Large scale corruption, money laundering and fraud investigation involving offenders operating in mainland China. Inquiry incorporating covert agents resulted in the recovery of assets in New Zealand and China.
Female white collar agent gains conclusive evidence of fraud offending by senior management in a multinational corporate.
Agents infiltrated an international aviation cargo theft ring identifying those responsible.
Dubai deployment of white collar undercover agents investigating a USD 500m investment scam based in London.
United States 75m tender fraud resolved using aerial, mobile and static surveillance, covert CCTV, undercover agents and traditional inquiries
*Private discussion of cases available upon request.
WHAT'S really happening?
Mark van Leewarden
Founder & MD
Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court, Mark (“Emu”) is a former agent and was an instructor on three New Zealand Police undercover seminars. He went undercover in the New Zealand Police at age 19. He quickly infiltrated an organized crime operation and became a running mate with one of New Zealand's most notorious criminals. The operation terminated when an associate murdered his girlfriend.
Mark would go on to earn honors in his law degree before starting Warden Consulting in 1995. Working across all aspects of the business, he has overseen over 100 operations from sourcing, screening and training agents to operating, optimizing and securing the assignments.
Ben van Leewarden
General Manager
Ben (“Snake”), is a licensed private investigator with over 8 years experience in international fraud, surveillance and undercover operations. Ben brings true international experience to the company having operated the business in Amsterdam, New York, London and Mexico City. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree from Victoria University in Wellington.
James Cunningham
James Cunningham MA (Hons), PG. Dip. Clin Psych, MNZCCP, MASSBI, MINS brings over two decades of expertise in clinical psychology. James specializes in agent oversight and the assessment of psychological wellness, functionality and maximizing potential.
Andrea Tomba
Andrea holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies from the University of Westminster. He is fluent in Italian, French, Swedish, English, and Spanish. He has lived in Mexico for the last 25 years. Andrea's diverse skill set and global perspective are key assets for our international operations.
Ainsley Bisset
Ainsley ("Ladybird"), started her career in the Police. She was a member of the Diplomatic Protection Squad, protecting high profile dignitaries and politicians including Princess Diana. Ainsley oversees all major undercover operations, conducting research and organizing backend logistics. She has also provides protection and care of Warden undercover agents.
Denise Graham
Office Manager
Denise ("Diesel") is our Office Manager and has been with Warden since 2006. She manages each and every detail of our day-to-day business. Diesel came to us following a long and varied career in the legal sectors, commencing work at the Magistrates Court in Auckland and subsequently working for Barristers, Queen’s Counsel and law firms in New Zealand, Australia and the UK.
Our operators can have history with Police, Military or Intelligence Agency undercover programmes. Our primary operators are former Warden agents with up to 20 years experience. They are experts in strategic direction, tactics, client interface, evidence collation and agent security.
Agent 1
University educated and of Asian ethnicity, Agent 1 can blend into any scenario across finance, banking and high-level business. He has been with the company for over 10 years. Agent 1 appears non-threatening and trustworthy but is very persuasive, quickly disarming employees to gain vital insights. Agent 1 has a talent for writing and his daily reporting provides immense detail on targets, environments and business dynamics.
Agent 2
Comes from a rural region and has the appearance of a farmer. Agent 2 has licenses to use heavy machinery and vehicles. He is immediately likeable with a friendly demeanour and broad smile. Agent 2 has been deployed in over 15 operations, specializing in blue collar roles in warehouses, factories and sorting facilities. Although Agent 2 comes off as a laid back person, he is adept at gaining trust and navigating workplace relationships to reveal misconduct. On one deployment this agent assisted in the recovery of millions of dollars of stolen property.
Agent 3
Agent 3 has true international experience having lived in Germany, The United Kingdom and Hong Kong. He has over 35 years of experience in the banking and finance industry, gaining global connections with prominent C-level executives. His knowledge of global banking practices means that he can provide strategic counsel to the client as the operation unfolds. Agent 3 is only available for long-term operations and requires 6 months notice.
Agent 4
Agent 4 has been working in the tech industry for more than 12 years. She has extensive experience in blockchain technology, streaming services and sales software. She is ahead of the curve in relation to AI, design and emerging technology. Agent 4 is in her 30s and of a calm disposition, she is only available for long term deployments. On one deployment agent 4 identified systemic accounting fraud within a major organization.
Agent 5
Agent 5 comes from a military background and is an expert in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Agent 5 commands respect, he is muscular and intimidating. Agent 5 has been deployed on over 15 major operations over the last 20 years. He has worked in violent environments, infiltrating organized crime rings. Agent 5 has an expert understanding of the criminal landscape and can quickly adapt to the most challenging environments.
Agent 6
Agent 6 is a keen rugby player and of Polynesian origin, he has been with the company for over 9 years. The way he carries himself and communicates allows him to easily blend into warehouses, factories and postal facilities. Agent 6 has worked with one of our operators for over 8 years, this strong relationship allows them to quickly identify, record and navigate challenging situations.
Agent 7
Agent 7 is a twenty year veteran of the Warden undercover programme. He conducted the first ever methamphetamine buy in New Zealand in conjunction with the Auckland police drug squad. With a military background he possesses senior management and project experience. He has given evidence in the District and High courts.
Agent 8
Agent 8 is a former model who began working with us in her early 20s. She has worked in a wide range of roles and industries, delivering results that exceed client expectations.
Agent 9
Agent 9 is a former military Special Forces Operator with an African background. He has been deployed in various jurisdictions globally and has been retained by Warden over the past fifteen years.
Agent 10
Of Maori descent Agent 10 has been deployed over the past five years. He has extensive courier, logistics and stores experience. Is very personable and can easily gain penetrate scenes in a non-threatening manner. He fully conversant with equipment and skilled in process analysis. Agent 10 is an expert in occupational drug use.
Agent 11
Agent 11 is a former Mexican Police Officer with particular experience in drug offending. He has conducted four private sector undercover operations. A Baja California native with excellent English, he is fully conversant with the crime and corruption issues facing Mexican and United States businesses.
Agent 12
Agent 12 is an Australian citizen with links into Europe. He is an engineer with extensive experience in manufacturing and mining both in Australia and internationally. He is so skilled with machinery and can adapt to any environment quickly, allowing him to expeditiously analyse systems and procedural issues.
Agent 13
Agent 13 is a qualified lawyer operating from Los Angeles. He has high level office and marketing experience allowing him the be deployed in white collar crime roles. He is an expert in IT systems and has advertising experience. He is a friendly quietly confident individual, who gains trust quickly. He is fluent in Spanish.
Agent 14
Agent 14 is a former New Zealand Police undercover agent. Has overseas experience in the United Kingdom and is a trained motor mechanic. He has been deployed on five operations over the last ten years including evidential. Agent 14 is particularly adept at evidence assessment and collation
key value points of undercover operations
Identify and Address Internal Threats:
Businesses can use undercover operations to identify and address internal threats such as embezzlement, theft, fraud, or the sale of proprietary information to competitors.
Business Intelligence:Undercover agents allow management to plug directly into company culture and operations. This business intelligence gives managers the insights to analyze, secure and grow the company.
Mitigate Legal Liability:Demonstrating that a company actively investigates and takes action against criminal activity mitigates legal liability. It shows the company has taken reasonable steps to prevent and address wrongdoing.
Protect Company Assets:By proactively investigating potential criminal activity, businesses can protect their assets, including intellectual property, financial resources, and physical property.
Ensure Compliance with Laws and Regulations:Companies can use undercover operations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations specific to their industry. Uncovering violations of environmental, healthy and safety, or quality control regulations can help avert legal issues and fines.
Corporate Social Responsibility:Deploying a covert operative can help to create a work environment that is safe, ethical and enjoyable.
Warden covert operations PROCESS
Agent selection:
Our agents have significant experience in undercover operations. They often specialize in industries to fit the required appearance, skillset and educational background. If we need to source a new agent they will need to pass a rigorous evaluation process discussed below.
Pre-Deployment Planning:
The agent is managed by an operator who will guide them throughout the operation. Our operators have run over 100 operations, they are experts in planning, adapting and safeguarding assignments. We will collaborate with the client to develop strategies, tactics and plan for infiltration.
Penetration is the hardest step of any operation. Our operational plan includes a number of tactics to ensure the agent makes it in seamlessly. From here the process of establishing relationships, building trust and recording activity begins.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
We assess the potential risks involved in the undercover operation and help implement safety measures to protect the agent. This includes arranging emergency extraction plans and conducting risk assessments of the target location.
Communication System:
We establish secure channels of communication between our undercover agents and operators to ensure constant support and guidance during the operation. This can involve encrypted messaging platforms, scheduled check-ins and report updates.
Daily Note-Taking:
The agent maintains a daily log of their activities, observations, conversations, and any relevant information. This detailed note-taking ensures accuracy and aids in the analysis of gathered intelligence. The agent records any suspicious activities, notable interactions, and potential leads to guide the investigation. This ongoing communication allows for real-time adjustments to the operation and ensures that the agent's concerns are addressed.
Reporting and Analysis:
Warden Consulting compiles all gathered intelligence, observations, and analysis into detailed reports. These reports provide actionable insights and recommendations to the client, highlighting areas where improvements can be made to prevent theft or fraud, enhance security, and optimize overall operations. The reports can also serve as valuable evidence in the event of criminal or civil legal proceedings.
Criminal ACTIVITIES covered
1: Employee theft and dishonesty:
It is estimated that companies lose an average of 5% gross revenue each year to employee theft. Minor and serious offences create substantial losses over months and years.
2. Drug Dealing:
We have dealt with criminals using import/export companies, transportation firms and postal services to facilitate the movement of illegal drugs.
3. Money Laundering:
Criminal organizations may invest their proceeds of crime in legal businesses such as restaurants, real estate, or retail stores.
4. Counterfeit Goods:
Criminals often establish manufacturing facilities or distribution networks to produce and sell counterfeit products. Covert action must be taken to expose misconduct.
5. Environmental Crimes:
Undercover agents can gather evidence of environmental crimes and hold responsible parties accountable.
6. Bribery and Corruption:
Criminal organizations may use legitimate businesses to funnel bribes to government officials or gain favorable treatment. In some cases our special operations include sabotage and treason.
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All communications are strictly confidential.
Covert operative training
Undercover Agent Training Process
The undercover agent undergoes specialized training in covert operations, which covers various aspects of covert work.
Surveillance Techniques
The agent is taught how to effectively observe and monitor their surroundings, blend in with their environment, and gather information discreetly without arousing suspicion.
Cover Story Development
Agents learn the art of creating and maintaining a convincing cover story. They are trained to think on their feet, adapt their persona to different situations, and respond convincingly to inquiries about their background, occupation, or purpose.
Situational Awareness and Risk Management
Agents learn to assess their environment, identify potential threats, and make informed decisions to mitigate risks. They are taught how to prioritize personal safety without compromising the objectives of the operation.
Note-Taking and Documentation
Comprehensive training is provided on effective note-taking techniques. Agents learn to document their observations, conversations, and significant events in a structured and detailed manner, ensuring accuracy, clarity of reports and evidential sufficiency.
Role-Playing Exercises
The agent participates in realistic role-playing exercises where they interact with experienced agents who assume the roles of co-workers, targets, or suspects. These exercises help the agent practice their cover story, develop their improvisation skills, and handle different scenarios they may encounter during the operation.
Legal and Ethical Guidelines
The training includes a comprehensive overview of the legal and ethical considerations associated with undercover operations. They learn about privacy laws, evidence handling, and the ethical responsibilities associated with their role.
Continued Support and Mentorship
Even after initial training, the agent receives ongoing support and mentorship from the operator and experienced agents. During operations regular check-ins and access to counseling resources are provided to help address any stress and emotional strain.
Multi-divisional international food company
National Manager | New Zealand Post
“Your team's professionalism, commitment and integrity were to the highest of standards. we found you totally flexible and willing to accommodate our needs. Your help with strategic direction throughout the operation was invaluable. The results were outstanding.”
CEO | International Freight Company